Breckland School

Trafficking and Modern Slavery

Trafficking children is:

“Recruitment, transportation, transfer, harbouring and/or receipt of a child for the purposes of exploitation”

Article 3c of the United Nations Palermo Protocol 2000

Human trafficking is the movement of a person from one place to another

  • into condition conditions of exploitation
  • using deception, coercion, the abuse of power or the abuse of someone’s vulnerability

Examples of exploitation for which people may be trafficked include:

  • Criminal – cannabis cultivation, shoplifting, petty crime, fraud (benefits/identity thefts/NHS fraud, forced and sham marriages
  • Sexual – including commercial sexual exploitation such as prostitution, pornography, lap dancing and stripping
  • Labour – factory, agricultural, food industry, care work, hospitality industry and construction
  • Domestic Servitude – housework, cooking, childcare
  • Organ removal

Slavery is:

  • Where ownership is exercised over a person
  • If they are forced or compelled to work
  • Bought and sold as property
  • Have restrictions placed on their movement through mental or physical threat.

Modern slavery is:

“An umbrella term, encompassing slavery, servitude, forced or compulsory labour and human trafficking. Victims of modern slavery are unable to leave their situation of exploitation, controlled by threats, punishment, violence, coercion and deception. Slavery violates human rights, denying people of their right to life.”

Independent Modern Slavery Commissioner