Breckland School


Our curriculum provides students with the knowledge, character and skills they need to develop a lifelong love for learning. It is our responsibility to ensure that our students are taught ‘the best which has been thought and said’, and to encourage them to achieve more than they ever thought possible. We are ambitious for our students to fulfil their career aspirations in a rapidly changing 21st Century.

The curriculum provides a logical and consistent framework for a rounded education and is designed to give all students access to a broad range of traditional subjects, taught in a way that amazes, inspires and intrigues. Our curriculum has the power to change the lives of every student and equip them with the cultural awareness, knowledge and competence to enter the academic conversation and to thrive as healthy citizens with an appreciation of British values in our diverse society.

Strong curriculum leadership is essential at all levels.  Subject leaders work collaboratively to ensure the curriculum is coherently planned and sequenced toward cumulatively retained knowledge. Teachers empower students to develop a rich appreciation of the subjects they study, and, in doing so, facilitate deeper understanding and retention of powerful knowledge.

When students join Breckland School they will experience a three-year Key Stage 3 curriculum broadly based on the National Curriculum requirements and comprising a strong academic core of subjects.  Key Stage 4 is also highly academic and offers our students the opportunity to pursue specialist subjects of their choice that celebrate individuality and creativity. The seamless combination of both key stages provides students with the skills and knowledge required to take advantage of the opportunities, responsibilities, and experiences presented in later life.

In addition to our curriculum offer we are able to offer SEN provision and intervention throughout Key Stage 3 in Maths and reading.

As students move into Year 10 they will commence their GCSE studies. Currently, students in Key Stage 4 follow a core curriculum of English, Mathematics, Science, non examined Personal Development (PSHE) and Religious Education. In addition, students receive four options choices from a wide range of subjects that include: Art, Textiles, History, Geography, Computer Science, French, Music, Drama, EPR, GCSE Physical Education, Psychology, Film Studies and Design & Technology. Core Physical Education (non-examined) completes the Key Stage 4 curriculum. For further details about the Key Stage 4 curriculum offer at Breckland School and details of the Key Stage 4 options process please follow the links for Years 10-11.

Please contact the school office, if you have any further questions regarding the curriculum at Breckland School.