Welcome to Breckland School
Contact Details
Breckland School
Crown Street
IP27 0PE
Telephone: 01842 819501
Email: office@brecklandschool.co.uk
Key contacts
Executive Headteacher: Mrs T Kittle
Head of School: Mrs A Culley-Tea
SENDCO: Miss C Bussey
Chair of Governors: Our Chair, Tim Coulson, can be contacted through the school’s postal address or email address on the left hand side of this page.
Administration contact:
Our Receptionist, Mrs Dunmore, will be happy to assist you if you have any questions about our school or require further information.
Unity Schools Partnership
We are part of Unity Schools Partnership. They are contactable through the following details:
Unity Schools Partnership Offices,
Park Road, Haverhill,
Suffolk, CB9 7YD.
Tel: 01440 333400.
Email: ltaylor@unitysp.co.uk
Website: www.unitysp.co.uk