Breckland School

Modern Foreign Languages

“One language sets you in a corridor for life. Two languages open every door along the way.”

Frank Smith 

Curriculum Intent 
We believe that studying foreign languages gives young people a window to the world, teaching them to see the world from alternative perspectives, broadening their horizons and freeing them from insularity. It encourages them to explore, analyse and understand other cultures, countries, and communities and to become open-minded, tolerant, and respectful of diversity.  Through studying foreign languages, students become more outward-looking as they gain the skills they need to travel, live and work abroad. 
Powerful knowledge in MFL 
Modern languages allow students to view their world from a different viewpoint. It enables them to embrace the fact the world is a rich and diverse place filled with different customs, landscapes, perspectives, history, arts, literature and ways of communicating.  It lets students understand the codes which exist behind languages and how these might interplay or be at odds with English. They will be able to recognise that rules and patterns exist throughout languages and start to build a more powerful understanding of their own language through how we put together words, sentences and text.  Important transferable skills such as organisation, self-discipline, problem solving, good listening and strong communication are developed through language learning. These transferable skills are underpinned by the values of honesty, respect and kindness
Curriculum Features 
Our curriculum in French is designed to ensure that all students can make excellent progress, regardless of their prior language learning. Topics cover a range of life situations and prepare students for the GCSE course and life beyond Breckland School.  Our curriculum allows all four skills (Listening, Reading, Speaking and Writing) to be covered in every unit and regularly revisited. The curriculum is also based on the three pillars of vocabulary, grammar and phonics. Grammar is taught implicitly and explicitly, building on and extending students’ knowledge from English lessons so that they understand how language fits together, and so that they can produce more accurate language themselves. Phonics teaching is embedded from the beginning of KS3 giving learners the skills to unpick and decode unfamiliar language so that they become more confident and fluent speakers. We use a range of strategies such as pair work, role-play and sentence builder work to ensure that every lesson counts. At the start of their learning journey, students start building sentences and speaking the language straight away.  It is one of our faculty aims to expose students to authentic language use in real and practical situations through the classroom teacher and the use of literature, film and song to emphasise the value of language as a communication tool and to motivate our students.  The MFL faculty has high expectations, and all students are supported to be the best language learner they can be. We consistently emphasise that it is ok to make mistakes, and we treat one another with honesty, respect and kindness at all times. Opportunities for reflection are built in at regular intervals, and the curriculum is designed to build students’ independence and resilience.  
Curriculum Enrichment 
German club Year 8 French trip Year 10/11 France Christmas Markets trip