Behaviour for learning is closely linked with academic achievement. When behaviour for learning is good, students achieve more both academically and socially, there is more time for focused learning and teachers are happier. Relationships between students and their peers and between students and their teachers are positive. Ofsted have claimed that students could be losing up to 38 days of learning every year due to low-level disruption. The report identified key issues of students calling out and not having the right equipment as common problems that hamper learning and waste lesson time.
Wasted lesson time damages all students, but the biggest sufferers are those least able to study independently or whose parents can’t make up for the lost time through private tutors or by helping with homework.
For many of these young people, losing 38 days of learning every year could be the difference between getting the GCSEs that lead to opportunities for further learning and successful careers, and leaving school with little hope of a steady job with good prospects.
The aim of the behaviour for learning strategy at Breckland School is to allow students to develop character traits such as self-discipline, self-awareness and consideration for others. It encourages more collaboration between staff and students, which will maximise the learning of all students in every lesson. A culture of positive behaviour for learning requires students to be quiet and respectful so that the teacher is free to deepen the students’ knowledge instead of trying to make them be quiet and listen.
To support this, we have an established set of rules and non-negotiables (click on the link below), agreed with students and teachers. When students are unable to comply with the non-negotiables, they are given a warning by the teacher. If they continue to demonstrate inappropriate behaviour for learning or a poor attitude to their learning, they are removed from the lesson and complete a one hour detention after school. Students with multiple lesson removals may be removed from mainstream for a full day and placed in isolation. If this is unsuccessful in encouraging a higher level of compliance, they risk the possibility of a fixed term exclusion.